Adventurous Souls

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Raising My Vibration

We are, at our core, nothing more than vibrating energy. Humans are made of cells, which are made of atoms, which are made of particles, and those particles are just vibrating energy. Weird to imagine, I know. But, by raising our vibrational state, we can feel happier, healthier, and generally better!

In the realms of spirituality and energy, the concept of “raising our vibration” gains a lot of attention. This idea encourages us to tune in to higher frequencies, allowing us to transcend and align with our authentic selves and connect with a collective energy much greater than ourselves.

When we talk about raising our vibration, we talk about every thought, feeling, and action generating a specific vibrational frequency, which contributes to our overall energetic state.

By consciously choosing our actions and reactions on a deep level, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities. We become more aligned with the flow of the universe, attracting synchronicities, meaningful connections, and opportunities into our lives. By releasing energetic blockages and negative patterns, we invite abundance, love, and joy. Ultimately, raising our vibration allows us to manifest our deepest desires and live in alignment with our true purpose.

Here are some practical ways to raise your vibration:

Spend time in nature

Be completely present. Do this without earphones! Listen to the birds, the wind in the trees, your feet touching the ground. What can you see? What can you hear? What can you smell? What can you touch?

Be grateful!

Express gratitude for everything you have and all that you’ve been through. Live your life in a state of deep gratitude. Tune into your body and feel the difference when you are grateful compared to when you are indifferent.

Eat more whole foods!

If you are not used to eating whole foods, you’ll notice a significant difference in your energy levels once you start. A clean diet not only helps your physical body but also helps bring positive emotional states, a clearer mind, and increased spiritual attunement. Whole foods are exactly that, as they were grown and free from added, unpronounceable ingredients!

Stay hydrated!

Many people do not drink enough water. Staying hydrated makes life easier, helps decisions come quicker, and makes you a more loveable human! OK, it makes me a more loveable human, I get cranky when I’m dehydrated!

Check-in with your naturopath

Even if you’re eating well, sometimes your body isn’t absorbing all the goodness. You might need to heal your gut. A healthy gut equals a healthy mind.


It doesn’t need to be for extreme amounts of time, just give your digestive system a break sometimes. It uses a lot of energy that can’t be used elsewhere when it’s constantly digesting food!

Find some kind of movement that you enjoy, like dancing, yoga, swimming, surfing, tai chi, walking, riding… anything, just find something! The more you enjoy it, the more you’ll do it.

Breathe consciously

Learn how to breathe properly. Your breath affects your nervous system, which in turn affects your everything! If you’re a shallow, chest or mouth breather, you are probably living live predominantly from your sympathetic nervous. This means fight, flight, freeze, stress! by slowing down your breath, or even exhaling longer than inhaling, you can bring your body in to a state of calm (AKA parasympathetic nervous system) which will help you rest, digest and over all feel more peaceful.

Find a balance between being and doing

Learn to stop and relax. Enjoy moments of ‘nothingness’ during your busy day.

Do something creative!

We are here to serve and create. Whether you like to create art, music, dance, or businesses, be creative and have fun!


We need to connect deeply and consciously with others. Overcome any fears and beliefs that keep you at a distance from others. Choose your friends wisely. And also, become your own best friend.

Do the work!

Holding on to stored emotions can create dis-ease in the body. Chakradance, life coaching, journaling, therapy and breath work are just some things that can help you release blocked energy and emotions.

See the world through the lenses of unconditional love

Unconditional Love is the highest vibration of all. Acknowledge when you’re triggered, but remember, it’s your trigger to work through, not the fault of external circumstances.

Operate from a state of knowing that you will achieve everything you put your heart toward

Live from an energetic point of knowing, not hoping. Feel the difference when you ‘hope’ for something and when you ‘know’ it’s coming. Live life from a state of knowing.

What have I missed?

How do you raise your vibration?